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Sunday, September 26, 2010


To all the people who has joined the blog and other's who will be boarding with us soon. I request you all the please give your brief introductions. This will surely help us in knowing each other better. The format for same could be:

Currently involved in: Projects / Responsibilities / Work Area etc.
How am i feeling working with Anand Group??:
anything else that you would like to share with us.....

PS: please put all your introduction in comments of this post. Do not make a new post for that. :)

Your friend
Rishi Solanki


  1. Name: Rishi Solanki

    Company:Mando India Limited

    Currently involved in: MRP planning in Supply chain & logistics department

    Hobbies: swimming, Listening lucky ali's songs, Flute playing etc....

    How am i feeling working with Anand Group??:
    Feeling Gr8....looking forward to take on whole lot of responsibilities.... :)

  2. Working with Mahle filters Pune

    Involved in Supply chain of IAM filters, VSME and procuring activities

    Hobbies: playing criket, squash & tt, strumming guitar and recently hitting gym(inspired by dabbang ;)

    Experience with mahle- so far so good :) MFSIL is my 1st company, learning many new things and trying to apply my knowledge in practical world.
